You can receive a cash benefit paid directly to you when you have a planned or unplanned hospital stay for illness, injury, surgery or even childbirth. 

Aetna Hospital Indemnity Insurance pays a lump-sum benefit for admission and a daily benefit for a covered hospital stay. You can use that cash to help pay out-of-pocket medical costs or other personal expenses. Review a list of covered benefits and costs when you enroll.

IMPORTANT: This is a fixed indemnity policy, NOT health insurance. This fixed indemnity policy may pay you a limited dollar amount if you’re sick or hospitalized. You’re still responsible for paying the cost of your care.

  • The payment you get isn’t based on the size of your medical bill.
  • There might be a limit on how much this policy will pay each year.
  • This policy isn’t a substitute for comprehensive health insurance.
  • Since this policy isn’t health insurance, it doesn’t have to include most Federal consumer protections that apply to health insurance.

Looking for comprehensive health insurance? Visit healthcare.gov or call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325) to find health coverage options. To find out if you can get health insurance through your job, or a family member’s job, contact the employer.

Questions about this policy? For questions or complaints about this policy, contact your State Department of Insurance. Find their number on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ website (naic.org) under “Insurance Departments.” If you have this policy through your job, or a family member’s job, contact the employer.

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